Salote - Week #3

 We were going to a festival for school. Mum and Dad were getting ready while I was on my phone because I was ready. Mum yelled for me to come hop into the car. I got in and we headed towards school. The festival was about to start, Mum was about to go get food when a man came and gave us free hotdogs! Mum and Dad ate theirs. I just held mine in my hands, only paying attention to my phone. Mum and Dad started eating but suddenly they both fainted. They should’ve never said yes to that man.


  1. What a mysterious story, Salote! It's really interesting. I wonder what was in those hotdogs? A man offering free food at a festival is definitely suspicious. I also love how you responded to the prompt in such detail.

    Keep writing!
    - Fern (100WC)


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